Park City Economic Development Program Manager Jenny Diersen said young athletes will compete across the Wasatch Back, from Quinn’s Junction and the North 40 Fields to the Snyderville Basin, Kamas, and Heber.
“People should just expect increased traffic,” Diersen said. “I don’t like to use the ‘t’ word, but increased traffic around town, especially in the field areas. So just pay attention, really watch for kids.”
There are also two concerts at Deer Valley Friday and Saturday. Diersen said the city has implemented a new traffic route for concerts around the Snow Park base, similar to one that worked well during the FIS World Cup this past winter.
“So transit, during the egress of the event actually goes counterclockwise around the [Deer Valley Drive] loop and everyone exiting the lot goes clockwise down to the Y,” she said. “So that when the police officers are at the Y-intersection, they can prioritize that transit to get out of there first.”
Construction projects on state Route 248 and Interstate 80 could cause delays for drivers leaving or entering Park city.
Along with carpooling and biking or walking, the city recommends using Park City Transit this weekend.
Information on bus routes and schedules can be found here.