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Cada Domingo - Ilse Amador - Realtor

Despite the pandemic, the financial challenges the country is facing, and the high national unemployment numbers, many people are buying homes, says Ilse Amador, Realtor with Wise Choice Real Estate. We spend the hour with Ilse trying to clarify some of the misconceptions about the process of buying a home, and try to share information with people who are in danger of losing their homes due to difficulties caused by the pandemic. Thank you to Eddie Juarez for arranging this interview.

A pesár de la pandemia, muchas personas están comprando hogares, dice Ilse Amador, Corredora de Bíenes y Raíces con Wyse Choice Real Estate. Pasámos la hora hablando de las misconcepicones del proceso de comprar un hogar, y tratamos de compartír informacion con personas quienes se encuentran en peligro de perdér sus hogares debido a dificultades causadas por la pandemia. Gracias a Eddie Juarez por organizar esta entrevista.


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