State Route 32 is southern Summit County’s Main Street: it runs through Oakley, Kamas and Francis.
All three are growing, and Summit County officials want to be prepared for the impacts development will have on transportation, local economies and community life.
So the county is pursuing a $150,000 Utah Department of Transportation grant to fund a state Route 32 corridor study.
“This is a collective effort between the three cities and the county,” County Manager Shayne Scott said. “We're going to look at the corridor and what we can do with the corridor, what UDOT can maybe partner with us to do.”
The UDOT grant itself won’t fund any construction; it will set guidelines for Oakley, Kamas and Francis as developers bring forth projects. Oakley, for example, is actively considering a local businessman’s proposal to redevelop the center of town.
Scott said a study would identify the wants and needs of each community, so changes are coordinated, rather than piecemeal.
The grant requires a $15,000 local contribution. $5,000 of that is to come from the county government, and Oakley, Kamas and Francis would split the rest.
April 24, the Summit County Council will discuss the grant and may approve the county’s portion.
The council meets at 4:30 p.m. at the Summit County Courthouse on Coalville’s Main Street. To attend online click here.