The story of Reality Winner is not nearly well-known enough. So, see it and spread the word! Reality Winner (yes, that is her real name), is a bright, athletic high school student who was recruited by the Air Force for her middle eastern language skills. Several years later, disillusioned by promises made, but not kept, she leaves the Air Force feeling they had lied to her, for a much better paying job as a military contractor.
It was at that time she discovered another government lie. The government stated there was no proof of claims Russia had interfered with presidential elections but Reality discovered there was plenty of proof. She hated being lied to and hated it even more that the American people were being lied to so she decided to do something about it. She sneaks out a 5-page memo and mails it to the media.
This biopic introduces us to Winner, how her values were nurtured and what happened to her when she opted to become a whistle blower. The film presents a story that is both alarming and entertaining.
Emilia Jones (CODA, Cat Person) becomes Reality on the screen. She is directed, for the second time by Susanna Fogel (Cat Person) and Fogel sings her praises.
Click here to hear the interview with director Susanna Fogel on The Sundance Reel.