The name for Wasatch County’s second high school was announced this spring: Deer Creek High School, a nod to the reservoir that provides water and power to the Heber Valley and beyond.
In a presentation to the school board June 11, Wasatch High School principal Justin Kelly said the community wants the mascot to play on that theme too.
“It’s a power source for a lot of people. The valley uses power coming from Deer Creek Dam and 1.5 million people use the water from Deer Creek,” he said. “Without Deer Creek, half the state would be, I guess you could say dehydrated, because they don’t have water.”
He said a committee has been talking with students and residents about what they want in a mascot. Kelly pitched the “Lightning Bolts,” shortened to the “Bolts,” as a unique mascot for the new school.
“We want to be the Deer Creek Bolts,” he said. “If it’s more than four or five letters, it’s going to get misspelled, and it’s not very invigorating to cheer a long name. You’ve got to make it short.”
He said the committee is considering “lake blue, silver mine gray, and glacier white” as the school colors.
No final decision has been made about the mascot and colors yet. It’s not clear what the next step in the process is.
Deer Creek High School is expected to open for the 2026-2027 school year near 1000 West along state Route 113, just west of Heber.