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Speakers Present Attitude At Altitude

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Park City Toastmasters

The Park City Toastmasters Club is hosting the Park City Speakers Series on Tuesday at the Jim Santy Auditorium.

The Park City Toastmasters Club is an organization to help people become more comfortable speaking in public. Member, Joel Zuckerman says the club offers networking and leadership experiences as well.

“But, it’s primarily for two types of people. People who are learning how to speak and have a little bit of trepidation about speaking in public and others who have experience speaking and are looking to tweak in hone and improve.”

The theme is titled Attitude at Altitude. Three members of the club will present on how positivity can maximize one’s life experiences. Rachelle Raven is headlined to speak that night.

“Well, it’s actually about having a good attitude at a great altitude because we have so much available to us here living in Park City and in Utah. And so, we chose this theme because we’re sharing insights and stories and things that we love about living here and how to really pay attention to the positive.”

Zuckerman will present a humorous talk about what he refers to as an awful Park City Facebook forum.

“Facebook forum called Park City Bitch and Complain. If it wasn't for this forum, I would not have a program because my program is called Bitch and Complain, Try and Refrain. I’m a professional speaker. I've spoken at beautiful resorts all around the world and I don't think I've ever been anywhere better than Park City so my presentation is a high-energy humorous presentation talking about how great this place is and if you want to Bitch and Complain, Try and Refrain. It's just designed to inform and entertain, and I have no hidden agenda.”

Bill Humbert will also present his personal story of hitchhiking across the country in 1969. The objective was to beat a Greyhound bus and his talk will focus on goal setting.

Zuckerman says a typical toastmaster’s speech is four to seven minutes, but this speaker series will extend those presentations to 20 minutes.  They all volunteered to write and present their speech.

“Rachelle has a very interesting and provocative agenda. Bill is a recruiter. He's always looking to help people find jobs. When I speak it only have two… I only have two goals. Inform and entertain and this was a good opportunity to put something together for an audience, and so I jumped into it.”

The event is free, happening Tuesday at 7 PM at the Jim Santy Auditorium. 

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KPCW reporter Carolyn Murray covers Summit and Wasatch County School Districts. She also reports on wildlife and environmental stories, along with breaking news. Carolyn has been in town since the mid ‘80s and raised two daughters in Park City.