J GO Gallery owner Jude Grenney said the Park City Gallery Association promotes arts and culture in the Wasatch Back. She said a gallery's curator or owner typically brings artists' works in based on personal artistic taste. Grenney said there is no shortage of talented artists to choose from when choosing works to feature.
"But to find one that speaks to me personally-- that I think will sell and speak to other people is sort of what I'm doing," Grenney said. "I am particularly attracted to people who have really unique techniques. Not just painting with oils or acrylics in a traditional manner, but often collage or…"
Meyer Gallery is one of the more than 15 participants in Friday's gallery stroll and features works on a smaller scale.
"Everything there is 18 by 18 inches or smaller." Grenney said. "So, if you've been looking at some larger works by their artists, this is an opportunity to collect some smaller work by them. And they're featuring also a still life artist, Leslie Duke, who does sort of contemporary still lifes."
Several galleries off Main Street, including the Kimball Art Center on Kearns Boulevard, will participate. Grenney said she was in the Kimball Art Center recently and was stunned and delighted by a particular exhibit.
"And there's a room in the back that the wallpaper is made of insects," Grenney said. “And there are taxidermy animals at a feast. It's just a visual feast, and it's weird and wonderful."
The gallery stroll is free from 6 to 9 p.m. on the last Friday of each month.