This Green Earth is a weekly, hour-long program that focuses on the environment and environmentalism. Co-hosts Christopher Cherniak and Claire Wiley explore the science, politics, economics and ethics behind the environment, natural resources, and sustainability.
The program includes interviews with local and national experts in the fields of water resources, air quality, environmental policy, fossil and renewable fuels, climate, conservation, ecosystems, agriculture, aquaculture, and sustainability.
Christopher Cherniak is an environmental engineer with nearly 30 years experience as an environmental consultant. Claire Wiley is an award winning broadcast journalist. Together, they direct This Green Earth's mission: to educate listeners about the importance of environmental preservation, conservation, and stewardship.
For questions and inquiries, contact the hosts directly at at
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New York Times bestselling author, David Lipsky describes the dramatic narrative of the long and divisive march of climate science in his book "The Parrot and the Igloo, Climate and the Science of Denial."
David Kinka, senior wildlife restoration manager at American Prairie, discusses his work restoring and monitoring wildlife on the Montana reserve. Kinka also acts as a liaison to scientists conducting research at American Prairie.
Ann Neville, Utah’s community engagement manager for The Nature Conservancy, discusses their "Wings and Water" program.
Rebecca Watters, executive director of the Wolverine Foundation talks about the reintroduction of wolverines to Colorado.
Out of the 700 million gallons of house paint purchased yearly, 75 million gallons go unused and eventually end up in the waste stream.
The world faces rising sea levels due to climate change and many countries are making contingency plans to relocate populations to higher ground.
Venture into the world of cicadas and unravel some of the mysteries of their biogeography, evolutionary adaptations and the ecological significance of their cyclical emergence.
Author Boyce Upholt takes us through the history of the Mississippi River.
Learn about how Park City residents can reduce the amount of waste going into the landfill with Park City Community Foundation’s Eyee Hsu and Andy Hecht.
-’s Aidan Charron discusses fast fashion and its effects on our planet as one of the leading causes of deforestation.