New Music! Click the date above for this week’s list or listen to our updated FreshTracks playlist here. Stay tuned as songs get added and refreshed each week. Share your opinions with or drop a note on our facebook page. KPCW-Keeping it FRESH!!!
Time Artist Song
10am Local Natives Tap Dancer
11am Alicia Stockman The Problem
1pm Robert Ellis When You're Away
2pm James Aurthur Falling Like The Stars
3pm Boz Scaggs & Bonnie Raitt Hell To Pay
4pm The Felice Brothers Jack Reminiscing
5pm Santana feat. Buika Breaking Down The Door
6pm Two Door Cinema Club Talk
7pm Vinatage Trouble So Sorry
8pm Collective Soul Right As Rain
9pm Rainbow Kitten Surprise Heart
10pm Andy Grammer Don't Give Up On Me
11pm Mathieu Kloss and Aloe Blacc Never Growing Up