A violent incident at Treasure Mountain Junior High School has been referred to local law enforcement.
According to the Park City School District, shortly after 1pm on Thursday a physical altercation occurred involving Treasure Mountain Junior High School students.
Video widely shared on social media depicts one student pushing a second student into a garbage can before picking him up and slamming him to the ground.
In a video message to parents on Friday, Treasure Mountain Principal Caleb Fine said school staff acted quickly to confront the situation.
“Unfortunately, yesterday several students on our campus chose to act in ways that significantly disrupted school operations and threatened the safety and order of our school,” said Fine. “Swift action was taken to address the situation. I am happy to report that there was a teacher and a staff member working with the student within one minute, and all students involved were in the office within 90 seconds of the incident taking place.”
The full message can be viewed here.
According to the school district, video of the incident - which students shot and shared on Snapchat - has been given to local law enforcement.
Summit County Sheriff’s Lieutenant Andrew Wright confirmed the office is investigating an incident at Treasure Mountain. The Park City Police Department is not involved because one of the children involved is related to a Park City Police officer. KPCW does not report the names of minors who have not been convicted of a crime.
Parents contacted KPCW Friday saying they were distraught after viewing the video. Several said they’re trying to reach out to the family of the student thrown to the ground, to offer support and condolences.
The school district told KPCW details of disciplinary actions taken against minors will not be released publicly, per district policy.
This is a developing story.