The Park City senior center is located on Woodside Avenue, down the street from Library Field.
The updated hours are 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Wednesdays the center opens to members in the bridge and mahjong classes.
Lunch will still be served Mondays and Thursdays. Registration is required, and a $3 donation is suggested.
The president of the Park City senior center board, Liz Novak, said expanding hours will help accommodate growing demand. The center has more than 500 members.
“Fortunately, we don't have 500 members come to the center all days that we’re open. But when they do come, we are cheek to jowl,” Novak told the Summit County Council Feb. 28.
The council allocated $94,000 for senior services in fiscal year 2024, $8,200 of that specifically for Park City, which Novak said helped expand Park City’s hours.
Utah law requires counties to provide senior services. Summit County operates three senior centers in Park City, Coalville and Kamas.
“There continues to be a challenge of isolation and loneliness, depression, for a large number of people in the county who are seniors,” said Craig Weekly, another Park City board member. “And yet the senior center movement here in Coalville, in Kamas and in Park City, I think, is doing a tremendous amount to address those issues.”
Any Summit County resident 60 and older can join. More information is available at