Curious about the life of an FBI agent? The FBI Salt Lake field office offers high school students a glimpse into their world through a virtual camp this spring.
The Teen Academy is open to students in Utah, Idaho, and Montana. This year the camp will run April 11th through the 14th from 4 p.m. – 6 p.m. each day.
The academy lets high school students go behind the scenes. Its mission is to foster understanding of how the FBI serves its citizens, community and nation.
FBI spokesperson Sandra Barker said the sessions pull in professionals from many aspects of the agency’s work.
“The students will hear from subject matter experts who head our programs like civil rights, domestic terrorism, and then also they'll be able to learn about how our Evidence Response Team gathers and processes evidence. And then also hear from a member of the SWAT team to see how they go about conducting their mission.”
Barkers said a recruiter will be on hand to answer questions about a career in the FBI.
“Teenagers don't necessarily have to have an interest in criminal justice or law enforcement. The FBI has a very diverse workforce. And we have a very diverse new array of jobs that students may not be aware of, or the public may not be aware of. We're more than just special agents. We have many, many other positions.”
To apply for the teen academy, students must fill out applications and submit supporting essays. Admission is free. Applications, release forms, and supporting essays must be received by 4 p.m. on March 11, 2022.
A link to the academy’s application can be found in the web version of this report.