A Wasatch County man has been found not guilty on all charges of wanton destruction of protected wildlife.
As wildlife migrate into neighborhoods this fall, the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources has a reminder for residents.
Coyote, moose, and cougar encounters are a part of the outdoor experience when living in the Wasatch Back. The experts at the Utah Division of Wildlife…
The Parley's Summit wildlife bridge has been in place since the fall of 2019. An analysis is underway to determine its effectiveness compared to other…
On today's Local News Hour:( 2:15) Ben Lasseter's story on the yearly tradition that falls somewhere between a bike race, fundraiser and party, the 2021…
On today's Local News Hour:( 00:25) Summit County asks Heber City 4th District Court to strike down Hideout's request for annexation as Rick Brough…
On today's Local News Hour:( 00:01) Utah Avalanche Forecast Center report.( 05:35) Sean Higgins with an update on the In-Person City Council Meetings in…
On today's Local News Hour:( 06:24) Faith Heaton Jolley with the Division of Wildlife Resources talks with KPCW about managing the spread of Quagga…
Those looking to collect antler sheds from now until mid-April are required to complete a certificate from the Utah Division of Wildlife…
Hunting season is upon us and DWR law enforcement is in the field checking licenses. So far this year about 70 fishing and hunting licenses have been…