On today's Local News Hour:( 02:59) Mountain Trails Report with Lora Smith.( 07:54) Ex. Director of EATS – that’s Eat Awesome Things at School Meghan…
On today's Local News Hour:( 00:01) Wyatt Pike "Drops Out" of American Idol( 01:27) Rick Brough's story on Summit County Sheriff Justin Martinez's…
The year 2020 has been exhausting, due in large part to the Covid pandemic and the political passions of an election. But Summit County Sheriff Justin…
The Summit County Sheriff’s Officehas nothad any COVID-19 cases in their jail system. But Sheriff Justin Martinez said the department has been negatively…
Due to current events, a number of policing practices are being scrutinized and debated. One of those is the no-knock warrant.Asked about that, Summit…
The nation-wide protests about police brutality and the death of young black men have re-focused attention on the issue of how to improve and refom police…
While protests and turmoil rock the country over the death of George Floyd, Summit County’s Sheriff says that he, his deputies, and all the officers he…
Summit County Sheriff Justin Martinez was re-elected to another term this week. That wasn’t a surprise, since the Sheriff, and several other county…
Summit County Sheriff Justin Martinez is scheduled to present his department’s budget to County Council on November 19th.The County Manager’s…
On today’s program, Director of Summit Land Conservancy Cheryl Fox discusses open space issues. Summit County Sheriff Justin Martinez talks about his…