While public school enrollment is falling across Utah, Wasatch County doesn’t follow the trend.
A new report from the University of Utah’s Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute shows K-12 enrollment in the county is projected to grow by more than 4,000 students by 2060.
That’s in stark contrast to neighboring Summit County, where enrollment is predicted to fall 15% over the same period.
One reason is the explosion of growth in the Heber Valley – Wasatch County is expected to double its population by 2060.
For shrinking districts, smaller schools mean a chance to increase per-student spending, reduce taxes, or move funds to support other programs like transportation, affordable housing or health care.
Policy experts say areas expecting large growth, like Wasatch County, should plan for changes in staffing and infrastructure in their school districts.
Wasatch County School District’s infrastructure is already feeling the effects of rapid growth in the valley: the county’s second high school is under construction in Heber City.