Cool Science Radio welcomes Dr. Jeffrey Rosenbluth, the Medical Director of the Spinal Cord Injury Acute Rehabilitation program at the University of Utah Health Sciences Center and founder of The Tetradapt Initiative which began over 10 years ago when Rosenbluth dreamed of a better and more aspirational way to deliver the latest technology for adaptive sports and recreation to people living with spinal cord injuries or disease. Tetradapt works in coordination with the University of Utah's best engineering, research, business, and medical minds to design, manufacture and deliver state-of-the art equipment and devices to individuals living with paralysis. He joins to talk about the TetraSki which allows quadriplegics to ski by using devices built into the device that turn the skis by putting them on edge. Rosenbluth is currently in Breckenridge, Coloroda where he’s doing on-mountain training.