The KPCW Summer Pledge Drive is off and running; on this episode of KPCW's Mountain Money, Larry and Doug welcomed some of our friends from Park City Mountain Resort for an update of all that is going on as well as details about their challenge grant. Don't forget to support KPCW this week; details can be found elsewhere here on and on air through Friday. Thanks for your support!
KPCW, your nonprofit, community public radio station needs your support! Call in during our on-air Pledge Drive, March 2nd - 5th and RECEIVE AMAZING ITEMS AS YOUR "gift with pledge". You can also find EXCITING ONLINE AUCTION ITEMS all week through Friday, March 6th! 0000017b-652b-d50a-a3ff-f7efb0230000Pledge Drive Home PageHow to Donate Items/Services to the Pledge DrivePledge Drive Premium DonorsHow to Become a Nonprofit Hour HostNonprofit Hour Hosts & ScheduleONLINE AUCTIONBecoming a Broadcasters Club MemberBecoming a Sustaining MemberDonate Now
Mountain Money - August 18, 2014