Residents facing evictions in Summit or Wasatch Counties can seek rent assistance from the Christian Center of Park City. The non-profit has spent almost…
KPCW General Manager Renai Miller and Reporters David Boyle and Emily Means talk about how KPCW has had to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and instituted…
As the COVID-19 crisis progresses, many in Summit and Wasatch Counties have found themselves out of work. The Christian Center of Park City offers…
There are about one in five children in Park City who are, by federal standards, considered low-income. The Christian Center of Park City has the Back to…
The Christian Center of Park City is now a sign-up location for those seeking SNAP benefits.SNAP stands for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. The…
The Christian Center of Park City is giving local residents the chance to help underprivileged families this holiday season. Operation Hope is back…
The Christian Center is recruiting help from Park City residents to host International Students who will come to the town to work for the ski season. The…