Coyote, moose, and cougar encounters are a part of the outdoor experience when living in the Wasatch Back. The experts at the Utah Division of Wildlife…
On today's Local News Hour:( 02:47) Rick Brough update on the Park City and High Valley Transit service changes for the summer.( 07:07) Mail in ballots…
Last month, a moose made the news when it was trapped within the foundation of a Summit Park house under construction.Last week, County Development…
A moose was rescued after a passerby discovered it in a building foundation hole in the Summit Park neighborhood on Tuesday. First responders and DWR…
Hunting season is upon us and DWR law enforcement is in the field checking licenses. So far this year about 70 fishing and hunting licenses have been…
A group of friends hiking in Round Valley under a full moon encountered a moose on the trail. Despite their efforts to give the animal space, it still…
The Park City Police department received five calls involving moose last week. They all are related to the large animals wandering neighborhoods and…
With winter ending, moose and other wildlife are feeling the stress of this year’s deep snow pack and food scarcity. Last week, the Park City Police…
The leaves are changing colors on the mountain side which means Fall is on the doorstep. It also means moose are in their mating season, which is known as…
Seeing Moose in this part of the Wasatch Back is common. Spotting moose on the trails is one thing but in Park City, they’re often seen wandering up Swede…