Park City Board of Education Member Erin Grady and Superintendent Jill Gildea recap some of the issues discussed at yesterday’s school board meeting. Park…
The Park City Board of Education unanimously endorsed three primary master planning initiatives in their meeting this week. It could result in expanding…
The Park Record reported that a rock was thrown at a window of the Park City School District superintendent’s home in Jeremy Ranch on Thursday, October…
Is it time for Park City to have two high schools? Should one be a traditional curriculum, the other more career and technical? Should elementary schools…
The Park City School District will continue with the grading system transition. It’s a departure from the traditional A,B,C,D and F protocol. The issue…
The Park City School District Master Planning process is focusing on how the district delivers education to its 4500 students. The Master Planning…
The Park City School Board met Tuesday with a presentation on enrollment numbers and the impacts on state funds to the district. The board discussed how…
Park City’s new Superintendent, Jill Gildea isn’t quite settled in her new home in Jeremy Ranch, still, she loves her new neighborhood. Meanwhile, the…
The Park City Board of Education met Wednesday morning in the first of two team building meetings that are happening this week. The retreat will set the…
The Park City School Board approved the purchase of a 3400 square foot home for $870,000 dollars as part of the contract to provide housing for the school…