The Park City Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau has new numbers on this summer’s visitation as well as predictions for the upcoming winter.…
The Summit County Council recently received a presentation from the Park City Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau. Summit County Councilmember Chris…
Decisions made by the Wasatch County Transient Tax Advisory Board have come under fire by a Heber Valley Business owner, Lynn David. In a Salt Lake…
The Coalville City council voted 4-1 to set up their own Transient Room Tax of one percent. Most favored the levy as a new source of revenue for the city.…
Summertime bookings in the Park City area are hard to predict but nightly reservations for August are up over last year. Business travel for mid-week…
Midway City is close to issuing a bond referendum for open space conservation. If the City Council approves of the initiative, it will be on November’s…
The Summit County Council heard Wednesday that it will take a significant lobbying effort at the Utah legislature if it wants to keep tabs on short-term…
After several months of negotiations, Summit County and the Park City Chamber/Bureau have reached a draft agreement to re-allocate revenues from the…
The Park City Chamber/Bureau is going to meet soon with the County Council to discuss revamping the distribution formula for Transient Room Taxes.…
Park City announced plans to adopt a municipal transient room tax and use the revenues to build a city arts and culture center in the Bonanza Business…