The town of Hideout has four council seats open during this election season — councilor Carol Haselton currently occupies one of them and is running for…
Hideout City Councilor Ralph Severini will hold his current seat on the council. His candidacy is uncontested. He was appointed in October 2020 when Kurt…
The filing period for municipal elections across Utah ends today at 5 p.m. A number of mayoral and city council seats in Summit and Wasatch Counties are…
Last week Summit and Wasatch Counties Clerks certified their results for the 2020 election and both counties reached record voter turnout.Between the…
Summit County residents showed Tuesday that they’re mostly a Blue enclave within Utah, in terms of voting for national and state races. It’s no surprise…
According to the partial results tallied on Tuesday, Summit County residents cast their ballots for Democrats in the two major Utah House races covering…
In Summit County, the voting results so far for local School Board races show the chairman of the Park City School Board easily fending off a write-in…
Tuesday’s primary was an all-mail election, meaning no in person voting took place. Preliminary results are in from Wasatch County although there are…
The four Republican candidates vying for the first congressional district seat, held by outgoing Representative Rob Bishop, participated in a debate on…
The four Republican candidates vying to represent the party in Utah’s Gubernatorial elections participated in a debate Monday evening at the University of…