Park City High School presents the student production of Mamma Mia this week at the Eccles Center. KPCW”s Leslie Thatcher has more.
Park City High School Drama Coach Krischelle Hansen says opening night is Thursday.
“Our opening night is Thursday, November 15th at 7 o’clock, 16th at 7 o’clock and 17th at 2 o’clock and 7 o’clock.”
Audtions were open to all students – about half of the 60 who auditioned she says are involved in some way…
"In my main cast I have about 28. On my dance company I have about 12. On my tech crew I have about 15 and in the pit I believe I have about 7.”
Her timing was perfect to secure the rights to the production
“So, the rights came out about mid-March. And we picked it up last year, put the rights down and then the day after, there was another arts foundation that put a lock on it. So, anybody within 100 miles of that arts council couldn’t do it and we actually fell into that 100-mile radius, so we actually got them before that lock came down.”
She says she’s working with a very talented crew and hopes the community will come see for themselves. Tickets to Mamma Mia are available online or at the door and cost $10.
In April, she says students will be producing Shakespeare’s The Tempest featuring about 40 students.