Here is Part One of the Project for Deeper Understanding’s free public forum “Growth; Is Regional Planning the Answer?” hosted by The Park Record Editor Bubba Brown. It was held at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church on September 24th 2019. The seven panel members involved in the forum included; Shawn Seager Planning Director with Mountainland Association of Governments, Patrick Putt Community Development Director for Summit County, Bill Malone President and CEO of The Park City Chamber Bureau, Jan McCosh Hideout Town Manager, Danny Goode Chairman of Wasatch County Council and Park City Mayor Andy Beerman. This panel discussion addresses how local governments can collaborate to prepare and mitigate the impacts of growth as a region. Traffic, an affordable housing shortage and crowding on trails are just a few of the topics they address with a public question and answer period at the end.
Special Coverage-Project For Deeper Understanding "Growth; Is Regional Planning the Answer?"Part One