Last year, Summit County formulated a Kimball Junction Master Plan for the commercial and residential development at the Junction.
Now, the follow-up to that is the Kimball Junction Area Plan, dealing with transportation planning. The County Council got an introduction on June 10th.
Transportation Manager Caroline Rodriguez said the study includes the Highway 224 corridor all the way to Deer Valley Drive. But the focus will be on the Junction.
“The goal of this project is to emerge with three technically, financially, and operationally-feasible alternatives to move forward into future studies, such as an environmental process. And the recommended solutions will be phased, and potential funding mechanisms will be identified. As you can see, the total plan cost was approximately $350,000. Summit County’s local share was $100,000, and that was paid in full during 2019.”
She said they have the support of UDOT to plan out how they will put Bus Rapid Transit along the corridor. Rodriguez said they will also look at an array of other options. She said they hope to narrow that down to a first set of alternatives by July.
But this is just planning. Rodriguez and County Manager Tom Fisher said construction won’t take place until at least 2025.