The Park City planning commission meets tonight with two requests for nightly rentals in low-residential zoned areas and will consider a conditional use permit for Ritual Chocolate to expand the size of their operations on Ironhorse Drive.
Ritual Chocolate currently operates as an allowed commercial retail and service use in the light industrial zoning district along Ironhorse Drive. The operation includes a 500 square foot coffee shop and a 1500 square foot chocolate factory.
The request is to convert the space to a restaurant and replace the factory with restaurant seating and retail space. About 700 square feet would be allocated for a kitchen.
A restaurant use in the light industrial zone is a conditional use and requires planning commission approval. Staff is recommending approval, even though required parking for a restaurant is 20 spaces and only 16 parking spaces are available. Since part of the building is for retail use, the staff is ok with the proposal since retail has significantly lower parking requirements that restaurant uses. If plans change and the use goes from counter service to table service, the planning director could require a parking study be done in the future.
In other business, the planning commission will consider updates to the city’s outdoor lighting regulations. The commission is expected to make a recommendation to the city council. The council is scheduled to consider the amendment at its January 21st meeting.
Two properties, one on King Road and one on Ridge Ave. are seeking conditional uses permits to allow their homes to be used as nightly rentals. The commission is also scheduled to make a recommendation to the city council to correct an oversight that would now make nightly rentals in the Rossi Hill low-density zone a conditional use.
The planning commission will also hold a public hearing and take action on replacing the Daly Avenue water storage tank and other aging infrastructure there. The project would demolish and remove the million square feet above ground storage tank as well as the concrete building contain the treatment equipment and valves.
The new tank would only be 200,00 gallons, and mostly buried. The site would need to be regraded and reseeded. All construction equipment and vehicle will be accessed from a private unpaved road from Ontario Canyon. No vehicles will be permitted to access the site from Daly Ave.