Heber City police chief Dave Booth is back on the job after city officials determined than an internal complaint against him was unsubstantiated.
According to a statement from Heber City Mayor Kelleen Potter, the claim against Booth couldn’t be substantiated and was found to be “baseless and without merit.”
Earlier this month, Heber City initiated an independent review by the Utah Department of Public Safety and Wasatch County Sheriff Office regarding the complaint against Chief Booth
The review was part of a standard process used to assess internal allegations. Chief Booth was placed on temporary leave while the investigation got underway. In a statement last month, announcing that Chief Booth had been placed on leave, Mayor Potter didn’t specify what the complaint was or how long Booth had been on leave.
The Utah Department of Public Safety and Wasatch County Sheriff's Office released their findings and Chief Dave Booth was cleared to return to work on Monday.
Following the initial announcement about the investigation, Mayor Potter emphasized that all complaints are taken seriously but the chief had never given a reason to question his competency and performance — a sentiment she echoed following the investigation's findings.
She wrote, "He has earned admiration throughout Heber City and the Heber Valley as a competent, compassionate leader and is a substantive and contributing citizen. We are grateful for his contributions, both past and forthcoming.”
Potter also wrote that Heber City also believes in individual accountability and justice – regardless of position, office, or tenure within the organization.
Booth's public service record includes over 30 years in Vernal, Park City, Summit County and Heber. He was the recipient of the 2019 Chief of the Year Award by the Utah Chiefs Association and has been Heber City's police chief since 2012.