Park City is recruiting for three seats on the planning commission, which reviews a wide range of land use applications, from major developments to plat amendments.
Park City Councilmember Jeremy Rubell said the planning commission helps determine how and what gets constructed in town.
“It’s really the body that decides on future development activities and their compliance with our land management code,” Rubell said. “The council has the ability to create code, to modify code. In the land management space, we do it upon recommendation from the planning commission. And we don’t have to necessarily follow those recommendations, but we do put a lot of weight in them and respect them heavily.”
Rubell said the commission has several big projects to research and consider in the future.
“We have the base area developments,” he said. “We have the Yarrow DoubleTree property application that’s still active. We have the Bonanza district, those five acres on the corner of Kearns [Boulevard] and Bonanza [Drive]. We have the Clark Ranch housing discussion that just started a few weeks ago. We have the senior center and the Woodside [Avenue] potential housing development. I mean, this is big stuff.”
Park City is also seeking applicants for four openings on the historic preservation board, which is charged with upholding the town’s historic character.
The city’s appeal panel will also need locals to help review appeals of planning commission decisions.
“It’s an opportunity to kind of be that last stop before legal action, frankly,” Rubell said.
Finally, the board of adjustment needs to fill openings too. Separate from the appeal panel, it looks at appeals for other land use decisions like zoning and exceptions to Park City’s code.
Positions are open to residents in the 84060 zip code only, and each board has different qualifications.
More information can be found here.