New Music! Click the date above for this week’s list or listen to our updated FreshTracks playlist here. Stay tuned as songs get added and refreshed each week. Share your opinions with or drop a note on our facebook page. KPCW-Keeping it FRESH!!!
Time Artist Song
10am Julia Michaels 17
11am James Blunt The Truth
1pm Puss N Boots Angel Dream
2pm Sea Changer, Birdtalker Heart is Home
3pm Jon And Roy Headstrong
4pm The California Honeydrops Carolina Peach (Live)
5pm The Kris Lager Band I'm Happy But I Ain't Proud
6PM Mike Zito, Anders Osborne Memphis
7pm Nahko and Medicine for the People Lifeguard
8pm Ed Sheeran, Skillrex Way To Break My Heart
9pm The Dead South Broken Cowboy
10pm TobyMac, Cochren & Co Edge of My Seat