KPCW invites you to be a part of the KPCW-Cole Sport Back Alley Bash this Friday, June 27th from 5 to 9 PM. Our annual thank you to the community is fun for the whole family. We’ll have live music, featuring Sin City Soul and Small House Strings, kid’s activities, old friends, new faces, and all food and beverage sales benefit KPCW. Come dressed and ready for summer fun!
- TIME: 5:00 to 9:00 PM
- WHERE: Town Lift Plaza in Old Town. see map
- WHO: Locals old & new
- FOOD: There will be a small cost for dinner and beverages to benefit KPCW
- 5:00-7:00 PM: Small House Strings
- 7:00-9:00 PM: Sin City Soul
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Thank You to our Sponsors:
- Cole Sport
- High West
- The Bridge
- Kumbayah Kitchen
- Butchers Chop House
- Budweiser
- Davanza's Pepsi
- The Sweeney Brothers