Larry and Doug’s first guest is Hossein Dadkhan, owner of Dinner@yours is a personal chef company that specializes in Persian cuisine a.k.a Iranian cuisine, with recipes dating back centuries. A Chef will come to your home and prepare and serve your dinner and will leave the kitchen cleaner than the found it.
The second guest is Marc Christensen of Dented Brick Distillery. Dented Brick Distillery officially began operations Friday, March 25th. Antelope Island Rum’s authentic rum flavor and taste come from innovating while honoring the history of rum and rum making.
Our final guests in studio are Olympic freestyle skier Emily Cook, director of Skullcandy’s Human Potential Lab, Sam Noertker, Manager, Advanced Concept Engineering at Skullcandy and Linda Jager, Park City Chamber/Bureau’s Director of Communications to talk about the Thin Air Festival. The theme of the festival is the evolution of innovations in human performance.