Third District Judge Richard Mrazik made the ruling during a closed hearing Monday, May 20.
Kouri Richins, the Kamas mother of three charged with murdering her husband, had been represented by attorneys from Salt Lake City-based Ray Quinney & Nebeker.
In court papers filed May 17, Richins’ attorneys said an “irreconcilable and nonwaivable situation” made it impossible for them to continue to represent her.
Mrazik granted the request, but public court records offer no details about his reasoning. Lead defense attorney Skye Lazaro declined to comment after the hearing.
Lisa Darden, Richins’ mother, told KPCW the issue was related to conflicts of interest, not whether their family is able to pay for her daughter’s defense.
Richins now has three choices: represent herself, find a new attorney or ask the court to appoint a public defender.
It was not immediately clear May 20 how long the withdrawal of Richins’ defense team might delay the case.
Richins remains in the Summit County jail, where she has been held without bond since her arrest more than a year ago.
A hearing to determine whether the former real estate agent would stand trial for the alleged poisoning of her husband Eric Richins initially scheduled for May 15 was postponed. Her lawyers filed a petition to withdraw two days later.
Summit County Attorney Margaret Olson declined to comment after the May 20 hearing, but said the judge will hold another hearing on May 24.
Mrazik closed the May 20 hearing after defense attorneys said it would involve confidential information that may impede Richins’ right to a fair trial.
She faces 11 felony counts, including aggravated murder and attempted murder, in connection with the March 2022 overdose death of her husband Eric Richins. She would go on to write a children’s book about grief.
No plea has been entered to the charges, but both Richins and her family have maintained her innocence. If she is tried and convicted of the charges, she could spend the rest of her life in jail.
Separate from the criminal charges, Richins has been tied up in civil court with Eric Richins’ family over his money and estate. Court records show her attorneys withdrew from the estate case in April and all other civil cases May 17.