Hosts of This Green Earth, Chris Cherniak and Nell Larson, take over the interviewing duties of The Sundance Reel today, for an extended two-hour show.
The Sundance Reel, Hour 1
The Sundance Reel, Hour 2
Travis Harkness, Marketing Specialist for Whole Foods in Park City
Louie Psihoyos, director, Racing Extinction, U.S. Documentary Competition
Upcoming Local Screenings
- Saturday 1/24 11:30 AM at The MARC
- Monday 1/26 4:00 PM at Redstone Cinema 2
- Wednesday 1/28 3:00 PM at Temple Theatre
- Saturday 1/31 2:30 PM at Prospector Square Theatre
Jerry Rothwell, How To Change The World, World Cinema Documentary
Upcoming Local Screenings
- Saturday, 1/24 3:00 PM at Redstone Cinema 7
- Friday, 1/30 3:00 PM at Temple Theatre
Sacha Jenkins, director, Fresh Dressed, Premiere Documentary, CNN Films
Upcoming Local Screenings
- Saturday, 1/24 2:15 PM at The MARC
- Sunday, 1/25 11:30 PM at Prospector Square Theatre
- Saturday, 1/31 9:30 PM at Holiday Village Cinema 2
Tolga Karaçelik, director, Ivy, World Cinema Drama Competition
Upcoming Local Screenings
- Monday, 1/26 9:00 PM at Egyptian Theatre
- Tuesday, 1/27 3:00 PM at Temple Theatre
- Thursday, 1/29 7:00 PM at Redstone Cinema 2
- Saturday, 1/31 12:15 PM at Holiday Village Cinema 2
Tali Shalom Ezer, director, Ori Pfeffer, male lead, Princess, World Cinema Drama Competition
Upcoming Local Screenings
- Saturday, 1/24 8:30 PM at Prospector Square Theatre
- Tuesday, 1/27 3:30 PM at Redstone Cinema 1
- Friday, 1/30 12:00 PM at Temple Theatre
- Saturday, 1/31 8:30 AM at Holiday Village Cinema 1
Jimmy Chin, Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi, directors., Meru, U.S. Documentary Competition
Upcoming Local Screenings
- Friday, 1/23 9:00 PM at Temple Theatre
- Saturday, 1/246:30 PM at Redstone Cinema 1
- Saturday, 1/31 Noon at Yarrow Hotel Theatre
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