The film is directed by Amber Sealy and based on a book written by retired teacher Sharon Draper, who has a child with cerebral palsy.
Melody is a 6th grade girl with cerebral palsy whose school experience so far, has been confined to the special education room located in a portable next to the school. She is confined to a wheelchair and unable to speak so her communication is limited to pointing to pictures, words and letters.
Jennifer Aniston, voices Melody's thoughts as life happens around her. She is desperate to find and have a voice at home and at school. With the help of an augmented communicator device and persistent professionals, parents and friends, Melody is able to shatter preconceived notions regarding her limitations and make new connections.
Melody teaches us how acceptance, understanding and inclusion make life better for us all. Phoebe-Rae Taylor (Melody), who has CP, is phenomenal in her acting debut. The film received a fantastic reception. It would make a great teaching tool in classrooms throughout the world. This film will be released on Disney+ in the fall and is a must-see for all.