On today's Local News Hour: ( 05:41) Summit County Economic Development Director Jeff Jones has an update on the Census and affordable housing prices. (…
The Summit County Council on November 20th approved an application to the state to be classified as an Enterprise Zone.And, as Council Chairman Roger…
The Snyderville Basin Planning Commission received another brief update Tuesday from the developer looking to build nearly 2-million square feet at…
There could soon be big news coming out of Kimball Junction, according to Summit County Development Director Pat Putt. Putt also said that discussions are…
As you may have noticed, there's a new center of activity in the Boyer Tech Park at Kimball Junction. The worldwide headquarters of Skullcandy held its…
The developers of the Boyer Tech Park are holding very preliminary talks with Summit County about changes to their project. Boyer's Project Manager Dave…
The Snyderville Basin Planning Commission Tuesday night looked at the proposal for a second building in the Boyer Tech Park, but told the applicants that…
On today's program, Leslie Thatcher speaks with Park City School District Business Administrator and School Board Member Tania Knauer; Park City Manager…
Summit County Manager Bob Jasper has signed an Administrative Amendment to the Boyer Tech Park's Development Agreement. He told KPCW Tuesday he hasn't…
An Administrative Amendment to the Boyer Tech Park's Development Agreement went before the County Council for discussion this week. Although the Agreement…