A hit-and-run in Park City early Friday morning involved an infant in the car and led to a DUI arrest. According to the Park City Police watch log, an…
Local law enforcement reports a relatively quiet night on New Years Eve in the Wasatch Back.In Summit County, the sheriff’s department reported no DUI…
Appearing in Summit County Justice Court Tuesday, former TV news anchor Hope Woodside pled Guilty to two DUI charges, related to separate incidents that…
On today's show David Rosenbloom, an Attorney specializing in DUI cases talks about the new .05 BAC law that took effect on Dec 30th. Then Summit County…
Immediately after Governor Herbert signed into law the nation's strictest DUI limit, the news started to spread around the world. The head of a national…
There will be a rally Friday, March 17, at noon at the Utah State Capitol to protest House Bill 155. That's the bill the legislature just passed that…
On Wednesday, the Utah Legislature passed HB 155 which lowers the legal Blood Alcohol Content, or BAC, from .08 to .05. The law will take effect December…
Utah is one step closer to being the first state to lower the blood alcohol limit for drivers to .05. KPCW's Renai Bodley has the story:
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) - A new state report shows the number of deaths in Utah caused by drivers under the influence of alcohol was cut in half in 2012.The…
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) - A group in Salt Lake City pushes for a lower DUI standard in the state. Lynn Ware Peek has more.