KPCW aired a live broadcast of the Project for a Deeper Understanding's community forum, exploring the science, logistics and concerns of the Tesoro oil…
A seven-member panel will be on tap for a public forum to discuss the proposed Tesoro oil pipeline slated to run through Summit County, carrying an oily…
The Tesoro Pipeline Company has filed a federal lawsuit against Summit County, seeking to nullify the ordinances the county passed in June, attempting to…
Summit County Council member David Ure says that he and his colleagues are hoping they can get the planned alignment of the Tesoro oil pipeline moved away…
NEW CASTLE, CO (AP) - An Associated Press review finds many new oil and gas wells near fragile areas aren't getting any federal inspection from an agency…
Summit County's Manager and his staff are looking for ways to create a beefed-up county ordinance governing pipelines while the Tesoro company is…
Traffic was clogged this morning on Interstate 80, between Parley's Summit and Lamb's Canyon, due to a rear-end collision between two semi-trailers that…
Some major water suppliers on the Wasatch, including the Weber Basin Water Conservancy District, are concerned the proposed Tesoro oil pipeline could pose…
Because of a snafu, Summit County residents now have until April 21 to submit comments on the proposed Tesoro oil pipeline, which would run fromn the…
The deadline to submit comments to the U.S. Forest Service on the proposed Tesoro pipeline is this Monday, March 17th. Given that, the Summit County…