The Park City Board of Education held a public hearing Tuesday night seeking input on the $79.2 million school bond scheduled to run on November's ballot.…
The Park City Board of Education today will get a presentation on different financial alternatives to pay for the district’s masterplan projects –…
The Park City School District last year brought in nearly 40 new employees and adjusted teacher salaries with an across-the-board increase of $7,000,…
A Master Planning consultant presented the Park City Board of Education with a comprehensive outline of data they would need to finalize a district wide…
The Park City Board of Education is pushing ahead with finalizing their Strategic Plan while the Master Planning process, is just now gearing up. But with…
The first of the Park City School District Strategic Planning Meeting was held Monday. The purpose was to gather input from the public on the direction…
The South Summit School Board has passed a $58.6 million bond resolution. The district is bursting now and growth projections over the next few years are…
Park City Board of Education meets in a special regular session on Tuesday at 4 o’clock. Top on the agenda is making a decision on the hiring of a new…
Tuesday, the board of Education heard the results from the School Bond Survey. Based on that information, the board may take a pause in pursuing a capital…
Thirty three percent growth is projected for the South Summit School District in the next 5 years. It’s straining their facilities and increasing their…