Park City Attorney Mark Harrington made a special announcement at Thursday’s City Council meeting.“So, as of yesterday, March 20, the city is proud owner…
The Park City Council is considering two measures that will authorize the issuance of $80 million in bonds Tuesday. KPCW’s Emily Means has more.The City…
With a vote of 77% for and 23% against, the Park City Open Space Bond has passed. Preliminary election results from the Summit County Clerk's office show…
Park City Council took a vote Thursday, capping off months of discussion--and controversy stretching back over 30 years on the Treasure Hill property.The…
Park City staff presented council with their bond resolution recommendation for the purchase of Treasure Hill and an easement for the SNOW Ranch Pastures…
Park City budget managers are looking for direction from the city council whether two open space purchases – totaling $48 million should be combined for…
At their last meeting the Park City Council gave some indication of the figure they would support for the Treasure Mountain bond on next November's…
The Park City Council meets this week and next before it finalizes next year's no-tax increase budget. The issue council must decide Thursday is how much…
A panel discussion on the proposed bond to buy out the Treasure Hill project brought out 60 people Tuesday evening. The panel addressed many of the…
Park City may be adding more open space if residents approve yet another bond for about $50 million to buy the Treasure Hill development property. That…