The Park City Recreation Department will implement a new registration process for this year’s summer day camp.
Park City Manager Matt Dias says the city council wants to take a balanced approach to what can be a hectic registration process for Park City’s summer day camp program. Dias acknowledges that summer camp plays an important role in the lives of working families, and the city council wants to give priority to people who live within Park City proper or who work in Park City boundaries.
“By and large, we were getting lots of complaints that families were driving in from, let's say, Jeremy Ranch or other parts of the county, to participate in the summer camp inside the city," Dias said. "Then, you had people inside the city having to drive out to Kamas or Jeremy Ranch and other parts to bring their kids to summer camp because of sort of the congestion and clogging through the registration process.”
This year’s summer camp registration will be a two-part process. First, registration will open to residents and people who work in park city, from March 15 through 31. Then, registration will open to the rest of the public on April 1. Dias says those who participate in the Solomon Fund program or were enrolled in the full summer camp program last year will also receive consideration.
“We obviously understand there will be a change here for people and summer camp," Dias said. "It's a very important component to a working household, and so we will honor people that were full campers last year. We don't intend to have anyone that, let's say, been in our MARC, our recreation camp. You have two siblings, they've been with us for four or five years, our intent is not to change their lifestyle overnight.”
To operate the camp at capacity, the recreation department will no longer offer weekly registrations, only full summer and daily registrations.