The North Summit School District announced a decision to move to virtual learning beginning Tuesday with plans to return to classes on Monday, November 30.
The North Summit School District in Coalville has almost 1100 students in four schools. While Superintendent Jerre Holmes says they have not reached the threshold of 15 cases per building, they’re concerned about the rapid rise in transmission. This comes after 11 CODIV-19 cases were reported over the past week.
With 15 to 24-year-olds experiencing the highest transmission rates in Utah, it is only the High School making the online shift. Regular attendance will continue in the middle and elementary schools.
Wasatch High School moved to online classes this week due to rapid spikes in cases last week with 73 cases and nearly 550 students and staff in quarantine.
In their efforts to balance COVID contagion with keeping kids in the classroom, North Summit Superintendent decided closing the school for this week and next takes advantage of Thanksgiving break. This way, Holmes says, students will only miss six days of in school classroom time while they work from home.
They will work out details to allow students to come to school in cases where home learning is not feasible. But for most students, teachers will be providing online instruction from their classrooms.
Continued adherence to health guidelines includes wearing masks in public, eliminating social gatherings outside of the home, getting tested if you have symptoms, staying home while sick whether COVID-19 or not.