From open floor plans and Zoom calls to Slack channels, the workplace has changed a lot over the years. But there’s one thing that never changes: you’ll always encounter jerks. this week, social psychologist Tessa West joins Lynn and Pete on The Mountain Life. In her new book JERKS AT WORK: Toxic Coworkers and What to Do About Them, reveals scientific-based strategies to dealing with—and ultimately breaking free from—the people who make work and life miserable, whether it’s an overbearing boss, an irritating coworker, or sometimes, even you.
Pete Stoughton is the Brand Relations Manager at Trail and Ultra Running as well as the Director of Programs at CCPC. Basically, he is the behind the scenes guy at TAUR. When he's not getting his TAUR on, or running 2-3,000 miles a year. His own personal running ranges from 100 mile races to track workouts. Nevertheless, a scenic run with friends is were he finds inner peace.