Final results are in for Wasatch County elections. There were no reversals from preliminary totals on election night.
Summit County’s first tally of votes on Tuesday night, which will be followed by further reports on Wednesday, covered the mayor and council races in three cities on the East Side. The vote totals showed some fairly narrow margins in a couple of races. And two council candidates are currently stuck in a tie.
Summit and Wasatch County voters should all have received their ballots and need to have them in the mail today by 5 p.m. – or plan to drop them in a drop box before 8 p.m. tomorrow.
On November 2, Park City School District taxpayers will decide on a $79.2 million school bond. What will the bond pay for and what happens if it doesn’t pass?
You know an election is coming up when anonymous letters are sent to the media... A letter sent to KPCW and signed by A Very Concerned Coalville Resident…
Two candidates for mayor in Hideout are set to face off in the general election on Nov. 2 and all four Town Council candidates are running unopposed – but…