Park City Chamber of Commerce and Visitors’ Bureau CEO, Bill Malone, retired on Friday after 20 years in the position. His replacement, Jennifer…
Despite the pandemic, some Park City businesses are faring pretty well.Multiple businesses around town have claimed sales are up year-over-year. Bill…
On today's Local News Hour:(01:40) - Charlie Sturgis has this week's Mountain Trails Report(3:20) - Story: Park City Senior Center Goes Non-Profit, in a…
On today's Local News Hour:( 05:46) Park City Chamber Bureau and President CEO Bill Malone talks about his retirement and introduces his successor…
Today on the Local News Hour:(09:12) - Summit County Council Member Roger Armstrong has a recap from Wednesday’s meeting.(22:10) - Snyderville Basin…
Looking ahead to the summer tourist season, Park City Chamber/Bureau Director Bill Malone says it’s not a pretty picture.Meanwhile, the picture is unclear…
Today on the Local News Hour:(09:38 ) - Park City Chamber Bureau CEO Bill Malone has an update on the legislature's speical session last week and what…
The Park City Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau has a new plan to bring visitors back to the area now that businesses have reopened.Phase One of the…
Park City Chamber Bureau President and CEO Bill Malone (07:29) has details on a recent survey as well as a look at the opening of the summer season and…
Last week, Park City Chamber Bureau President Bill Malone presented a plan to the Summit County Council to begin marketing our area to prospective…