City Council in Park City will get a look at Park City’s tentative budget for next fiscal year at Thursday’s meeting. According to Utah state law, the…
Park City Municipal is hoping to finalize and accept a revised budget for fiscal year 2021 by mid-October. A steep decline is forecasted for the city’s…
The Park City School Board voted 4 to 1 in favor of adopting the revised 2018 school budget along with the new 2018/19 budget. Board Member Petra Butler…
The Park City Council Thursday got its first look, at the city manager recommended budget - that includes no tax increase but does recommend cutting some…
The School Board held Budget hearings on Tuesday evening and no one from the public made comment. The budget was approved unanimously. Carolyn Murray…
Park City School District financial statements and business methods were praised by an independent auditor from Squire and Company as solid and safe. The…
The Park City school district just two years after a tax increase face an upcoming deficiency, district officials say they'll again make cuts and have…
In the next few days, a number of backdoor budget negotiations will take place as state lawmakers work to adopt a balanced budget by Thursday. KPCW"s…
Park City School District is coming up short in this year's budget - some of the reason for the shortfall has to do with the reduced revenues from the…
Rep. Kraig Powell is sponsoring a resolution to call for a national constitutional convention to consider a balanced budget amendment. Rick Brough has…