Friends of the Park City library are hosting their annual author luncheon on Wednesday October 16th in the Silver Lake Lodge at Deer Valley.The luncheon…
Cooking, history, young adult, nonfiction, fiction in hardcover and paperback—Friends of the Library Co-Presidents Marlene Peacock and Jean Daly bet book…
Novelist Celeste NG is a New York Times Best-selling author two times over with her second novel LITTLE FIRES EVERYWHERE. Barb Bretz has this month's Book…
Park City is looking for someone to lease the now-empty coffee shop of the Park City Library and are hopeful they can have someone in there before the…
Named Australia's Book of the Year, The Rosie Project is a fun read in which our rigid romantic hero finds his Wife Project derailed by an uninhibited,…
The annual Park City Friends of the Library Author Luncheon is set for October 14, featuring renowned local author and humorist Tom Clyde. Rick Brough has…
One of the more harrowing chapters of human history is the setting for the complex friendship between two women in this month's book review, The Invention…
Over the past 500 million years, there have been five major life extinction events on planet Earth. We're now witnessing the sixth extinction, says author…
Kevin Fedarko's book The Emerald Mile is a rollicking white water rollercoaster tale of the epic Grand Canyon Flood of 1983 and the engineers and river…
Detroit's bankruptcy and blight are familiar headlines across America. But what it means to live, work and survive in the modern-day Motor City are…