Cooking, history, young adult, nonfiction, fiction in hardcover and paperback—Friends of the Library Co-Presidents Marlene Peacock and Jean Daly bet book lovers will find something they want to read at the book sale.
The sale begins Saturday, and Peacock says members get a preview before the sale opens to the rest of the public.
"They can get the benefit of coming in and seeing what's available and getting first choice, but that doesn't mean that if you're not a member that you can't come, because we will have memberships available for you to buy," Peacock said. "The members preview is 9 to 10:30 Saturday morning. We will have refreshments available and you can just browse at your leisure and get first pick."
After that, the sale opens to everyone at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday and closes at 3 p.m. On Sunday, it’s open to everyone from 10:30 to 3, and Monday, Peacock says, is bargain bag day.
"We would love to sell you a Friends of the Library bag, and you can fill it to the very brim for a mere $10," Peackock said.
Daly says the book sale is the Friends’ largest fundraiser for programming and other library needs, including book events, music on the patio and gadgets and gear that can be checked out for the summer and winter.
"We've allocated approximately $28,000 this year for library programs," Daly said. "For instance, our latest allocation is we're going to be purchasing adventure motorcycle maps, which are also biking maps, so that people who are going to be going out on trips can use them."
The book sale will be on the third floor of the Park City Library, at the Jim Santy Auditorium and surrounding rooms. The Friends of the Library are still seeking volunteers for the sale. Those interested in volunteering can sign up at