On Cool Science Radio, Jeffrey Kluger comes on the show. Kluger is editor at large for Time magazine and is the author of twelve books, including Apollo…
On Cool Science Radio, John Wells and guest host Kyle Maguire welcome Dr. Dalia Kirschbaum, Chief of the Hydrological Sciences Laboratory at…
On Cool Science Radio, Josh Fischman, senior editor at Scientific American joins the show to talk about their September issue, which provides a special…
On Cool Science Radio, John Wells and Lynn Ware Peek speak with Rob Pahlavan, a recognized thought leader on dementia-related care, government payers…
On Cool Science Radio, John and Lynn welcome Wendy Suzuki. Suzuki has written GOOD ANXIETY: Harnessing the Power of the Most Misunderstood Emotion.There…
On Cool Science Radio, John and Lynn bring Mary Roach on the show. Roach has written Fuzz: When Nature Breaks the Law…What should we do with a jaywalking…
On Cool Science Radio, Senior Editor at Scientific American magazine, Tanya Lewis, joins the show. Lewis recently wrote an article on how the pandemic has…
On Cool Science Radio, John Wells and Lynn Ware Peek talk with Dr. Dan Riskin, who has extensive experience founding healthcare tech startups.He’ll give…
On Cool Science Radio, John and Lynn speak with Marcus Gerhardt, Co-founder & CEO of Blackrock Neurotech, a biotech company based in Salt Lake City.…
On Cool Science Radio, Tom Standage comes on to talk about his new book, A BRIEF HISTORY OF MOTION: From the Wheel to the Car, to What Comes Next. The…