A long winter and an especially wet spring has postponed Utah’s regular fire season. But forecasters say wildfires are coming.
On today's Local News Hour, host Leslie Thatcher's guests include: (6:20) Summit County public lands manager Jess Kirby and emergency manager Kathryn McMullin discuss the Parleys Canyon project and importance of wildfire fuels reduction efforts, (22:23) then local historian Sandra Morrison shares details on a free lecture at the historic Echo Church Saturday, (36:37) and finishing the hour is U.S. Ski and Snowboard director of marketing and communications Courtney Harkins with the latest on teams and upcoming winter season.
On This Green Earth, Dr. Tim Brown joins the show.Dr. Brown is a research professor at the Desert Research Center in Nevada and the Director of the…
On today's Local News Hour:( 05:22) Sean Higgins report on a hit-and-run in Park City early Friday morning involving an infant in the car that led to a…
On This Green Earth:As we head into wildfire season, Chris and Nell discuss what we are facing. As of last week, all but eight of the 227 wildfires that…
In this episode of This Green Earth Chris and Nell are joined by environmental professor and Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Gary Yohe. Dr. Yohe talks about the…
Three firefighters from the Park City Fire District left for California to assist in responding to the many fires currently burning across the state. Park…
Although it’s been a wet spring, summer heat could dry out plant growth propelled by the rain, providing fuel for wildfires. Summit County Emergency…
After screening the documentary “Era of Megafires” Wednesday, a panel of emergency responders from Park City, Summit County and Wasatch County discussed…
Another wildfire in North Summit County has been contained after just burning 3/4 of an acre on Sunday. It’s the second fire in North Summit County since…