Joining The Mountain Life with Lynn Ware Peek and Pete Stoughton today is Dr. Michelle Segar, an award-winning sustainable behavior change researcher at the University of Michigan. She joins to talk about a truly fresh, brain-based new take on the old and tired behavior change paradigm which she discusses in her new book,THE JOY CHOICE: How to Finally Achieve Lasting Changes in Eating and Exercise.
Tune into The Mountain Life every Wednesday at 9 am following The Local News Hour and NPR News.
Pete Stoughton is the Brand Relations Manager at Trail and Ultra Running as well as the Director of Programs at CCPC. Basically, he is the behind the scenes guy at TAUR. When he's not getting his TAUR on, or running 2-3,000 miles a year. His own personal running ranges from 100 mile races to track workouts. Nevertheless, a scenic run with friends is were he finds inner peace.